Meet Kimber Tiernan by Voyage LA

Today we’d like to introduce you to Kimber Tiernan.

So, before we jump into specific questions about the business, why don’t you give us some details about you and your story.
I’ve always been intuitive and sensitive to energies that, I didn’t realize until later, other people weren’t tuned into. I grew up in Salt Lake City, Utah and was a pretty sickly child with frequent ear infections and I was prone to extremely high fevers. When I was 4, my mom took me to a specialist and he looked at her and said, “Do you realize this child can’t hear? She is legally deaf.” My mom was devastated because, up until that point, they just thought I was a defiant child and was ignoring them. At that appointment, the doctor and two nurses held me down and inserted tubes in my ears without anesthesia or a visit to the hospital. It felt like an ice pick being jammed into my ears. I remember screaming and then suddenly I found my consciousness hovering near the ceiling of the office that had dancing teddy bears on the wallpaper border. I looked down at my small body that was writhing in pain and I also saw my young mom crying at the end of the table. I then dropped back into my body. It was the first time I realized that we are more than our bodies.

Two years later, I woke up in the middle of the night, delirious and shivering with a fever. The image of beautiful angel was sitting on the edge of my bed. I felt her cover me in blankets and give me a drink of water. Then she took my hand and said, “Child, tonight you’re going to learn how to fly.” We went flying through space and, as we flew, I met the soul of a boy. This boy became my imaginary friend and we would spend time in the other realms, flying through rivers of light or playing on an imaginary planet.

Once my hearing was restored, I developed a deep love of music and, when I was 19 and enrolled in college, I suddenly did an about face, dropped all my classes, and was insistent that I work in the music industry. I went to work for a record store and told everyone that I was going to work for a record company. They all told me that I would have to move to LA to do that, but I knew if I focused my intentions enough, I could manifest my job right where I was. A few months later, I had a job with a major label in Utah. Part of my job was to run backstage meet and greets, and one night, while working a show, I met a singer of an up-and-coming band. We went dancing and at the end of the night, he kissed me. In that moment, the whole world opened up and I grabbed his face and sobbed, “Oh my God, it’s you.” He looked at me and said, “Oh my God, it’s you.” All my childhood memories surfaced and I realized it was real. We spent a magical night together, but it was so intense that then I ran and then erased the memory. I went and married the nice guy, had two beautiful children, quit my job with the record company, and was living a safe life in the suburbs.

After my daughter was born, I began having dreams and visions of the singer. Angels would visit me and tell me that we were on an amazing spiritual path together and that I had to find him in the desert. I would hear his voice in my head. I actually thought I may be crazy, but the intuition was so strong that I also knew I had to follow the guidance. (My dreams have always been prophetic). I went to a show in Phoenix and, when he took my hand, it was like stepping into heaven and I knew who he was to me. It was the most profound love and a shattering heart-center awakening. I also realized he was also having similar experiences. Shortly after seeing him again, a lot of drama from all sides, and miraculous events that were beyond imagination, my entire life fell apart. I lost my husband, my beautiful house, and my safety. I went into what St. John of the Cross called “The Dark Night of the Soul.” During this dark night or river of change, the Universe took away all I thought I knew and uncovered all my shadows. I had to dive deep and heal. It was a dark and scary, but magical time as the veil was thin and my gifts were being illuminated. Through this relationship and connection with this person, I realized that what I hear in my inner world holds a lot of truths and that there is so much more to this world than what we can see with our eyes. I also realized that some of our challenges in childhood hold some of our greatest gifts.

During all of the chaos and confusion of my awakening, I got a BFA, manifested moving to Santa Monica with my two children, as we were not thriving in Utah anymore. I loaded up our car and what couldn’t fit didn’t come and it was the best thing we ever did. Our whole lives changed. However, I was bartending and still going through confusing and heart-breaking experiences with what I came to know as my Twin Soul connection. I called a Twin Flame expert and, as he was answering questions, I said, “I know, I know. But what my real question is, I know I am not supposed to be bartending. What am I supposed to be doing with my life?” And he said, “Well, you know you’re a healer right? Why aren’t you doing that?” I said, “I don’t know.” But what I really thought was, “I don’t want to be the weird psychic lady.” But then I realized I could still be 100 percent me. In fact, our only job is to be authentically who we are as a soul. I trained in different healing modalities, took a Bhakti Yoga teacher training, learned to read the Akashic Records, and it all came together from there. I now know that all I went through was to learn that we are multi-dimensional beings having this human experience for expansion and to awaken to who we truly are. After figuring out how to heal, I now offer that wisdom and guidance to others. I am here in service as unconditional love for people who are going through challenging times and to help them connect to their guides and assist them in moving energy to manifest the life of their dreams by opening their hearts and raising their frequency, since love and frequency is everything. That’s what we are here to do. We go through things and then show others the path to freedom.

Has it been a smooth road?
I have had to overcome doubt and self-worth issues and I’ve had to learn to speak my truths. My biggest challenge has been about abundance. There are deep collective templates and judgments about making money in the healing arts (the arts in general) and spirituality. I sometimes wish I could give everything away, but I also understand that there needs to be an energy exchange. When I first started offering my services, I was donation-based, and quickly learned that the more someone paid for the service, the more they got out of it. Those clients took what I said seriously since they had invested in themselves.

I have also had to learn to not take things on or take things personally. At first, I wanted to carry everything for everyone and take away their pain. I felt exhausted after sessions. But I know, through my own journey, it is the darkness and the pain, that has led to my greatest expansion. The contrast is the alchemy of the soul, the fire of the Phoenix. I learned that I could trust everyone’s path and that I’m not here to take away their lessons but to give them the tools and knowledge to move through it with more grace and ease and a higher-level perspective. And now after seeing clients, I actually feel energized.

We’d love to hear more about your work and what you are currently focused on. What else should we know?
I think the best way to be of service is to offer the energy that you would want, so my sessions are tailored exactly how I would want a session to go. The Divine Alchemy Sessions are two hours of holistic therapy. Where the client and I spend time connecting and talking, then I open the Akashic Records, where they can ask their guides any questions they have regarding their journey. (The Akashic Records are a dimension of consciousness that contains everything that has happened, is happening, and possibly could happen. They are very loving and offer a higher-level perspective. I connect to the person guides and channel the information). Then I get the person on the healing table where their only job is to relax and release. I drop into my heart and become the tuning fork to assist the client in raising their consciousness and to surrender into the theta brain wave state, where true healing and manifestation happens. We use a little breath work, guided meditation, sound (drums and crystal bowls) and several healing modalities to create huge vibrational shifts, both physically and mentally. It is multi-dimensional, subconscious healing, and DNA Activation. People often report that they travel to other dimensions which is pretty cool.

I also specialize in Business Clearings and Home Healings and that is unique and super fun. My daughter and I make an amazing team to clear any unwanted energy in structures. We not only have individual clients that want us to heal the energy in their homes, but we also work with businesses from major corporations to sound stages. The real estate agency, Halton Pardee, consistently brings us in to clear homes of any unwanted energy and make the space magical before they sell them. I have found that homes and businesses have consciousness and I see walls like sponges that hold onto the pervasive energy from previous owners, tenants, and whatever transpired in the space. And sometimes we do have to clear out spirits.

But my favorite thing I do is called Divine Alchemy Academy, which is a ten weeks course where I teach a lot of what I have learned and, in this class, we make deep connections and support each other in our lives. I feel it is important, in these times of disconnection and social media, to make these sacred connections with each other and create spaces of healing and a place where people can access their gifts in a nurturing space.

How do you think the industry will change over the next decade?
I feel that more and more people are being called to access the spiritual. In this energy, mundane jobs are taking a toll on people and they are feeling a deep call to come into service to humanity. I feel that more and more people will be sharing their light to take the planet into the higher dimensions. Even people in more traditional careers are going to want to do it in a new, more aligned way.


Kimber Joins the Cults to Consciousness podcast


Home Healings with Kimber by Pardee Properties