The School of
Cosmic Communion

Remember who you are.

Enter a safe space and remember who you truly are — meditation, healing, self-realization, breathwork and connection guide your ascension journey and awaken you to mystical and magical Universes.

Embark on your cosmic journey

Access a diverse array of transformative tools and practices designed to guide you on your unique journey of ascension and self-realization, no matter where you are.

A course in manifestation magic

Quantum Leap into a
Parallel Reality

A magical and focused eight-week journey where you will explore manifestation techniques, raise your vibration, create the vision of your dream life, and take the leap into your highest, most exalted reality.


Explore within

From self-guided programs to group journeys that delve into meditation, healing, breathwork and connection, every modality serves as a catalyst for unlocking your inner potential and reconnecting with the cosmic essence within.




Meet Kimber.

Kimber Tiernan is a holistic healer, Akashic Record reader, and spiritual teacher. Her greatest passion is to connect you to your infinite intelligence, inspire deep healing, and to awaken you to your own magic. For as long as she can remember, Kimber has been able to see through the veil of illusion and this inspired in her a devotion to cosmic consciousness (God/Goddess) and a seeking impulse to understand how the universe works and how to connect others to the truth and mystery of their own soul. To do this, she accesses the Akashic Records, uses quantum healing techniques, and creates courses and meditations to cultivate your unique connection to the divine.

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